DIGESTATO Pumping Plant

GENAGRICOLA/Caorle (Italy) agricultural farm

Our customers know the LAMPO Green Group from always for its multi-functionality that allows the use of a single diesel engine both for water pumping and for the electrical power supply of the pivot.
But in this case, we have gone further.


The Genagricola customer had a special request: to design a pumping solution of the liquid compound (Digestato) of their 1MW Biogas plant by using their 2 105 KVA Lampo, used in summer for the operation of their Pivot Valley and Bauer systems.

Thanks to our experience gained in the field and the synergy created with the Genagricola technicians an ideal solution has been designed. These are the actions:

• installation on the Lampo group of a Ferrari motor-driven pump ideal for Digestato pumping.
manufacture of a 160 ø PVC electric power supply ring with 15 sampling points.
installation on a self-moving sprinkler owned by the hydraulic return customer with by-pass.


Final result:


Plant size:
• irrigated area: 80 hectares (800,000 square meters)
• plant length: 2,000 m 160 ø PVC piping
• emission hydrants: 15 units


LAMPO Green Horizontal LA 10 IC

• engine: IVECO N67
• alternator: MECC ALTA 105 kVA
• pump: Ferrari FRTC 94/35 R1: 1.55 motor-driven pump
• electrical engine: 55 kW – 1500 Rpm
• frames: 1000 lt


Self-moving sprinkler:
• model: OCMIS – ø140-600
• machine inlet pressure: 8 bars
• re-entry speed: 150 m/h
• mouthpiece: 32 ø – 5 bars

  • Caso Studio Emergenza - Impianto di Pompaggio DIGESTATO con Lampo Green
  • Caso Studio Emergenza - Impianto di Pompaggio DIGESTATO con Lampo Green