LAMPO / CORNELL Pumping Plant

Italian farm

The Lampo Green CORNELL group was created thanks to the implementation for the wishes of our customers who have always accompanied Euromacchine into the growth of our Company. 

The request received in early 2016 was that of whether we were able to design a pumping station for 2 pivot systems by using a Company feather in the cap achievement in terms of quality and efficiency: CORNELL PUMP.


The performance requirements were:

  • 345 mc/h / 1.455gpm
  • 3,5 bar / 51 psi

Thanks to the Company’s partnership with CORNELL and our thirty-year experience in the world of pumping, it was possible to create a product unique in the international market. The peculiarity of this machine was the creation of a new MECC-ALTE alternator able to provide current at 50 Hz (1,500 rpm) and 60 Hz (1,800 rpm). In doing so, we were able to use the Cornell pump at 1,800 rpm, making the most of the pump efficiency  while maintaining the output frequency to the service outlets in the Pivot at 50 Hz – 400V.


Plant size:
• irrigated area: 83 Ha (830,000 square meters)
• system length: 510 m;
• daily precipitation: 10 mm/day (1 l/s/ha);
• applied nozzles: I-Wob – Senninger.


Required performances:
• flow rate: 345 m3/h
• pressure: 3.5 bars
• electrical power for pivot: 15 kW


LAMPO Green Horizontal LA 10 IC
• engine: IVECO N67
• alternator: MECC ALTA 105 kVA
• pump: CORNELL 5RB – 60 HP
• electrical engine: 60 Hp – 1800 Rpm
• frames: 1000 lt

  • Caso Studio Irrigazione - Impianto di Pompaggio