Project for pivot plant in Bulgaria

Cornell pumps 6HH

“From a simple piece of paper in the middle of SIMA 2017 in Paris, we developed a huge and unbelievable project. “

Thanks to the collaboration with Cornell technician and our specialists we projected and created a new irrigation system model to provide irrigation from a lake in Bulgaria.


Using a Valley Pivot irrigation system, the pumps are set two each in series, with a capacity of 4750 GPM/ 300 l/s, and pressure of 12 bar. Using Iveco 6 Cly Turbo engines, the pumps discharge into 16” / 400mm lines.


Required performances:

  • Capacity: 300 l/s
  • Pressure: 12 bar
  • Details: 2 pipe lines with diameter DN400
  • Suction point: LAKE



  • 2 pump station with 2 CORNELL PUMP 6HH in Serie
  • Engine: IVECO 6 CYL TURBO
  • Each pump station is composed with 2 pump in series

  • Caso Studio Emergenza - Impianto di Pompaggio DIGESTATO con Lampo Green
  • Etude de cas
  • Progetto per impianto pivot per in Bulgaria
  • Progetto per Impianto Pivot in Bulgaria