Pumping Plant for Pivot

Pasti/ Eraclea Mare (Italy) agricultural farm

The multi-functionality of the LAMPO Green group allows the use of a unique diesel engine for pumping of water and the electrical power supply of the pivot. Thanks to dual use the customer is able in a few minutes to pump water and start the plant, a pivot plant with 8 bays.

Plant size:
• irrigated area: 83 Ha (830,000 square meters)
• plant length: 490 m
• daily precipitation: 8 mm/day (1 l/s/ha);
• applied nozzles: Nelson ROTATOR
Required performance:
• flow rate: 300 m3 /h
• pressure: 3 bars
• electrical power for pivot: 15 kW
LAMPO Green Horizontal LA 10 IC

• engine: IVECO N67
• alternator: MECC ALTA 105 kVA
• pump: CAPRARI MEC A2/100 motor-driven pump
• ectrical engine: 55 kW
• frames: 1000 lt

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